
Dhakpo Shedrupling Monastery is founded by Je-Lodoe Tenpa 1402-1478, who was one of the seven great disciple of Je-Tsongkhapa.

1     Tsema Namdrel ( Pramana Vartikka) Commentaries of Logic
2     Pharchin ( Paramita)Perfection of Wisdom
3     Uma (Madhyamika) Middle way
4     Dulwa (Vinaya)Canons on Monastic Discipline
5     Zoed (Abhidharmakosh)Treasure of knowlege


S.No CourseSubjects                        Duration in year
1Due-chungElementary Philosophy 1st Stage1
2Due-dringElementary Philosophy 2nd Stage1
3Due-chenElementary Philosophy 3rd Stage1
4Tag-rigSign and reasoning, one of the basic text for logical studies in Monastery1
5 Lo-rigAwareness. The classification of the mind according to the way it recognizes its respective object of perception.1
6Shung-wog/PrajnaParamita Perfection of Wisdom 1st Stage.1
7Shung-gong/prajna ParamitaPerfection of Wisdom 2nd Stage1
8Kab-dangpo/Prajna ParamitaPerfection of Wisdom 3rd Stage1
9Kab-shipa/Prajna ParamitaPerfection of Wisdom 4th Stage1
10Uma-serpa/MadhyamikaMiddle way 1st stage1
11Uma-nyingpa/ MadhyamikaMiddle way 2nd stage1
12Duelwa sarpa/VinayaCannon of Monastic discipline 1st stage1
13 Duel-wa nyingpa/VinayaCannon of Monastic discipline 2nd stage1
14Zoed-serpa/ AbhidharmakhoshTreasure of Knowledge 1st stage1
15Zoed-nyingpa/ AbhidharmakoshTreasure of Knowledge 2nd stage1